I was reminded of these reasons over the last three weeks while volunteering my time to help induct a new class into Leadership Henderson, a program near and dear to my heart, and by my 2011 planning efforts for our firm’s clientele as they’re preparing to take one giant leap forward come this January, just as we all hope to do.
More specifically, all of this is a strong reminder of just how powerful repetitive marketing is to any organization. We preach repetition daily here at Imagine Marketing, but it always seems to be one of the most difficult marketing lessons for our clients to understand and take hold of.
The reason? It’s easy to get distracted. (Squirrel!)
While it’s necessary large and small organizations have the ability to be nimble and responsive to customer needs, it’s often difficult for those same organizations to identify what areas of their marketing and sales program must be nimble while maintaining and building a consistent brand. That’s where I come in. (Did I mention my personality type?)
Over the last 10 years, more times than I can possibly count, I’ve heard business people say they attended an event once and nothing came from it (distraction) or seen them change the name of their company after investing in their brand for two years because their 12-year-old daughter didn’t like it (distraction). The funny thing? I typically only hear from these people once because they’re not around long enough to develop their business.
The successful folks are the people who believe in implementing a repetitive marketing program because they understand that marketing is a process, not an event. Despite the distractions that will (and they always do) arise, they remain committed and invested in their brand and do their best to implement a sound marketing plan ahead of time to help them remain repetitive in their efforts while providing them a reason NOT to be distracted from items that pop up.
Rarely do people enjoy planning for their business, but it’s necessary. (I head up planning efforts at our place. Teamers say I’m great at it. I think I was voted “off the island” while I was out at a meeting one day.) Regardless of your like or dislike of developing a marketing plan, it serves as a vital component to your business operations and, just as in others facets of your company, repetition is a key element to success.
Repetition in marketing, which often comes from having a master marketing plan in place, will allow your organization to gain greater brand momentum, helping you to move from “it didn’t work the one time I attended” to having multiple people tell you, “I’ve seen your company everywhere.”
So, I encourage you to evaluate your current marketing program for inconsistencies to see where improvements can be made. If you are attending events, are you ensuring you are connecting with your leads or attending events in a repetitive fashion? If you are distributing e-newsletters, are they uniform in brand appearance and caliber of messaging? If you are seeking media opportunities, are you sending newsworthy information their way and consistently reaching out to your contacts?
The opportunities are there so long as you are willing to make the investment in a consistent (repetitive) brand and follow your overall vision, which is easier to stick to when you have a plan in place.
*Blog originally posted at: Imagine Marketing: Creative Solutions for the New Economy.