The other night just before bedtime was one of those nights. I gave in, pulled-up a chair and the next thing I know my son and I are watching a video of little Arianna dancing to Beyonce’s “Diva.” (Watch the video. It’s adorable, I assure you.)
While my toddler sat quietly (for once) and completely enthralled in the video, I started to think about the women I know who are powerful, successful yet always exhibit grace – a “diva” (for the sake of this blog) in their own right.
All my ladies get it up
I see you, I do the same
Take it to another level
No passengers on my plane
~ Lyrics from Beyonce’s “Diva”
I have a tremendous amount of respect for women professionals, especially women professionals who are also mothers. They’re driven, problem solvers, focused, adaptable, respectful to others and are the ultimate multi-taskers. They’ve got it all and manage to always have a positive outlook on life to match their high levels of energy. More importantly, they can be the most valuable business-friends to have. (When you’re busy like they are, which is busier than most professionals, there’s no time to mess around which means earning their nod of approval is in your best business interest.)
I have a handful of women professionals who top my personal “diva” list. Some I have closer relationships with than others. With their consent: Susan Chandler, Brooke Borg, Veronica Mabe, Rebecca Fay and Christina Primack.
They are all professionals who make things happen in our valley. They make decisions that impact you and me (and most people often don’t even know it). They are the gatekeepers to the information and contacts we need. They are true business and community collaborators. They are the one’s who always find and develop opportunities, both in business and at home, when none are plainly in sight. They are “divas” in my book. Women who, as Beyonce says, “take it to another level” and do it with style and grace.
Honor the “divas” you know in your life. Take the time to crack the hard outer shell that they have set up to ensure their success in their personal and business lives. Once you have earned their trust and respect, you will benefit greatly from their level of enthusiasm and loyalty as they help you take a professional step ahead.
I am honored that one of the most professional and amazing women I know, mentioned me in this Blog. Thank you Amber for all that you do, you make it look easy and always "raise it to another level!"