Brooke practices real estate, corporate, estate planning and probate law here in Nevada. She’s intelligent, innovative, driven, real and just plain likable. (Plus, it’s always a good idea to have a “lawyer friend” in my book.)
Brooke started her legal practice nearly one year ago. In fact, March celebrates her first anniversary of being in business for herself. During an economic slump, especially here in Nevada, there are some business trailblazers who create their own success and happiness. Brooke is one of those people.
She’s a mid-western gal who believes in helping others, is a dedicated wife and a mother of two. She is also my work suit accessory role model. (Inside joke.)
Founder/Attorney of Borg Law Group
Borg Law Group Website
Q: How did you “arrive” where you are in life today?
A: With a lot of support from my family and friends. I wanted to be an attorney and a mom for as long as I can remember. I kept telling myself I could and would be both someday and, with a lot of hard work and support when I wanted to give up (a few times), I did it. My number one priority in life is my kids, Avery (4) and Landon (4 months). They are my greatest accomplishment...well, our greatest accomplishment. I guess I have to give my husband, Matt, some credit.
Q: Tell me about your business. Where do you derive your passion for practicing law?
A: My passion for helping people comes from my mother. She is the most giving, loving, compassionate person I know. I knew I wanted to work in a field that helped people. I don’t have the patience to be a teacher or the stomach to be a doctor so the practice of law seemed to be a great alternative and fit for me.
Q: As a business owner, what are you most challenged with day-to-day?
A: I struggle with maintaining a balance between generating work and actually “doing” the work. If it were up to me, I would be out “rainmaking” everyday. I love meeting new people and educating them about how I can help them and what I do as an attorney. However, the work needs to be done as well.
Q: What is more important, talent or drive?
A: I think drive is definitely more important. I look at talent as something you can develop with practice. Drive is something you are born with.
Q: What one trait has helped you most in business?
A: My ability to look at the bright side of any situation has helped me the most. You are always going to have days when you are down and out and have something happen to you that isn’t ideal, but your reaction to what has happened can either make or break you.
Q: What is the hardest lesson you've learned and how did you learn it?
A: No matter how hard you try, not everyone is going to like you. There have been times when I really wanted to land a big client or impress someone older and wiser than me. When it comes down to it, people are either going to like you or not. I’ve learned over the years that not everyone is going to be your “ideal” client. I love doing business with people who “get” me and I “get” them. If we don’t mesh well from the beginning it’s going to be a constant struggle on both of our parts to maintain that relationship and that’s too much energy spent that could be spent on something else.
Q: What is the one piece of advice you would offer other women in business?
A: Be who you are and pave your own path. Clients and colleagues will respect that.
More as to why Brooke is on my A-team:
March 24 Workshop: Estate Planning – What happens to your business if something happens to you?
Walking On Broken Glass: 10 women impacting business in Southern Nevada
Even in economy slumping, companies will do well to keep legal services
“Work/Life Balance”
Nevada’s Legal Environment Has Seen Many Changes As a Result of the Economy
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