Don’t let her amusing ways fool you. She knows her business, knows how to elicit a response from others and does so in a way that makes you feel as though you’ve just done her the world’s largest favour. (She’s a pro. It works on me and I've seen her use her powers, for good, on others.)
As the foundation administrator of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Rebecca develops and oversees the programming of services that help train, support and lead our small business people to success. It’s a challenging job. And, as a non-profit based organization her efforts rely heavily on developing positive relationships with people throughout the community.
I call this spirited, get ‘er done, good-thing-in-a-small-package friend of mine “Mrs. Henderson.” She’s my go-to gal and a professional who puts herself into unfamiliar territory and always, let me repeat – always, makes magic happen.
Foundation Administrator
Henderson Chamber of Commerce Foundation
Q: How did you “arrive” where you are in life today?
A: There certainly wasn’t a blueprint on to get here. I got where I am today via a combination of things be it overcoming adversity, knowing what I absolutely did not want and having a great support system to make it all happen.
Q: Tell me about your organization. Where do you derive your passion for helping Henderson's business community?
A: Our organization has a mission of strengthening the community through programs and services. My passion stems through the professional relationships that tend to develop as a result of what I do day-to-day. I have the privilege of working with many amazing leaders in our community. They all do great things and its energizing to be surrounded by those types of people all day long. I really do love my job.
Q: As a business person, what are you most challenged with day-to-day?
A: There are too few hours in a day to get all things accomplished. It’s difficult to say “no” when someone needs something from me. I want to see them succeed and I enjoy being a part of that success. It’s the part where I have to carve out that extra time that is incredibly difficult to do. I need a 48-hour, not a 24-hour day!
Q: What is more important, talent or drive?
A: Talent and perhaps a little luck as well. They are both equally important but if you have talent it will shine through.
Q: What one trait has helped you most in business?
A: Strong relationships. They are crucial to in doing business. I would not be able to accomplish everything I do without assistance from all of the people I know, which has been through the development of positive relationships I have built over the years.
Q: What is the hardest lesson you've learned and how did you learn it?
A: You can’t please everyone. I’m a pleaser by nature. It used to be devastating to me when I thought I had failed someone. Nowadays, I’ve learned to simply brush myself off and get back in the saddle when those situations happen.
Q: What is the one piece of advice you would offer other women in business?
A: Just when you think you can’t do it, take look at yourself in the mirror and really look at yourself, the person you are and remember all that you have overcome and accomplished. You will find a way to make everything you want happen, because that’s what women do…make it happen.
More as to why Rebecca is on my A-team:
Henderson Business Resource Center
Leadership Henderson
Residents can take free classes in computers, resume building and other programs
The Valley’s entrepreneurial spirit remains strong in a trying time
Institute for Organization Management – West Coast Advisors
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